The first round of the semi-finals for the VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs brings us a match between Saigon Buffalo and Team Secret. The victor will move on to face either Vici Gaming or Invictus Gaming in their respective finals.

The “league of legends leaks reddit” is a post-match discussion that was posted on the League of Legends subreddit. The discussion includes the semi-finals match between Saigon Buffalo and Team Secret.

Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion

The article’s substance

2022 VCS Spring Playoffs

8WBqxxw - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match DiscussionJoin the VCS Discord server in English!

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Team Secret 3 – 2 Saigon Buffalo

SGB | Saigon Buffalo - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion

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G2 Esports beware: Saigon Buffalo have qualified for the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational. Congratulations!

Because the other finalist, GAM Esports, won the South-East Asian Games Qualifier Tournament, they would renounce their MSI berth in favor of the SEA Games if they won.


In 28:07, SGB emerged victorious.

Hecarim, Veigar, Galio, Viego, Lee Sin | Xayah, Camille, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Akali | Hecarim, Veigar, Galio, Viego, Lee Sin


SGB 17-6-35 6-17-10 TS
Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Has (Aatrox) 5-1-5 TOP 1-7-0 Hiro02 is a fictional character (Jayce)
BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ (Trundle) 3-0-9 JGL 2-3-2 Penguins are a kind of penguin (Volibear)
Froggy is a fictional character (Ahri) 2-1-9 MID 2-2-2 the the artifact (Viktor)
Shogun is a Japanese military leader (Jinx) 7-0-5 BOT 1-1-1 Eddie is a man of many talents (Caitlyn)
Taki Taki Taki Taki Taki Tak (Nautilus) 0-4-7 SUP 0-4-5 XuHao XuHao XuHao (Renata Glasc)


xxxxx - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion TS wins in 29:52.

| Xayah, Camille, Ryze, Volibear, Lee Sin | Bans: Galio, Veigar, Vex, Hecarim, Jayce | Xayah, Camille, Ryze, Volibear, Lee Sin


TS 13-16-25 16-13-23 SGB
Hiro02 is a fictional character (Gwen) 1-3-6 TOP 5-3-2 Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Has (Jax)
Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of penguin (Nocturne) 1-3-4 JGL 2-3-5 BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ (Viego)
the artifact (Ahri) 6-2-4 MID 1-1-6 Froggy is a fictional character (Twisted Fate)
Eddie is a man of many talents (Jinx) 3-6-5 BOT 6-4-3 Shogun is a Japanese military leader (Aphelios)
Xuhao Xuhao Xuhao X (Tahm Kench) 2-2-6 SUP 2-2-7 Taki Taki Taki Taki Taki Tak (Nautilus)


TfjnmjW - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion SGB took first place in 33:04 minutes.

Xayah, Camille, Ahri, Nocturne, Lee Sin | Veigar, Galio, Twisted Fate, Malzahar, Jayce | Veigar, Galio, Twisted Fate, Malzahar, Jayce


TS 10-22-24 22-10-58 SGB
Hiro02 is a fictional character (Gwen) 2-5-4 TOP 3-3-5 Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Has (Vayne)
Penguins are a kind of penguin (Viego) 2-6-4 JGL 8-1-10 BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ (Volibear)
the artifact (Ryze) 5-2-5 MID 5-4-13 Froggy is a fictional character (Vex)
Eddie is a man of many talents (Jinx) 0-3-5 BOT 5-0-13 Shogun is a Japanese military leader (Aphelios)
Xuhao Xuhao Xuhao X (Nautilus) 1-6-6 SUP 1-2-17 Taki Taki Taki Taki Taki Tak (Alistar)


o1hM3cT - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion TS takes 36:03 to win.

Xayah, Camille, Ahri, Ryze, Twisted Fate | Veigar, Galio, Aphelios, Vex, Malzahar | Veigar, Galio, Aphelios, Vex, Malzahar


TS 23-18-46 18-23-36 SGB
Hiro02 is a fictional character (Renekton) 0-6-9 TOP 1-5-8 Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Has (Ornn)
Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of penguin (Nocturne) 3-2-11 JGL 2-4-7 BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ (Volibear)
the artifact (LeBlanc) 8-3-10 MID 8-6-1 Froggy is a fictional character (Akali)
Eddie is a man of many talents (Jinx) 12-2-6 BOT 7-5-6 Shogun is a Japanese military leader (Lucian)
Xuhao Xuhao Xuhao X (Nautilus) 0-5-10 SUP 0-3-14 Taki Taki Taki Taki Taki Tak (Leona)


lVuqIgG - Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs - Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion SGB wins in 30:52.

Bans: Xayah, Ahri, Camille, LeBlanc, Akali; Veigar, Galio, Aphelios, Viego, Volibear; Veigar, Galio, Aphelios, Viego, Volibear; Veigar, Galio, Aphelios, Viego, Volibear; Veigar, Galio,


SGB 26-8-59 8-26-18 TS
Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Hasmed Has (Gwen) 8-2-8 TOP 0-6-5 Hiro02 is a fictional character (Kennen)
BeanJ is a character in the game BeanJ (Xin Zhao) 1-1-10 JGL 5-5-2 Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of Penguins are a kind of penguin (Nocturne)
Froggy is a fictional character (Vex) 7-2-12 MID 2-3-2 the the artifact (Viktor)
Shogun is a Japanese military leader (Jinx) 8-2-11 BOT 1-6-2 Eddie is a man of many talents (Lucian)
Taki Taki Taki Taki Taki Tak (Nautilus) 2-1-18 SUP 0-6-7 XuHao XuHao XuHao (Sett)

GAM Esports and Saigon Buffalo will compete in the VCS Spring Final 2022.

Sunday, April 24th, 11:00 UTC

Original source: link

For the game League of Legends, write “Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs – Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider) / Post-Match Discussion.”

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The “league new champion reddit” is a post-match discussion about the “Saigon Buffalo vs. Team Secret / VCS 2022 Spring Playoffs – Semi-Finals (= MSI Decider).”

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