Playing the new Call of duty black ops 6 is great the infamous black ops series has made a return after almost half a decade. The last edition of the series was black ops and let’s it was not the greatest edition of the game but things have changed since then and the Cod games have been better and better since then and now we even have cross-game versions.

Call of Duty Warzone and Call of duty black ops 6 have now shared stats and inventories making them a unified single game. Due to that, there are a lot more sweaty players in Warzone than they are in black ops 6. Since the Warzone version is free to play making it harder and harder for you to achieve anything significant in the game without sacrificing your normal life.

You can’t compete with these try harder while leading a normal and healthy lifestyle. But I do have a solution for you if you want to get a better rank at the game and do not want to grind for hours upon hours you can do this trick and you’ll get there and that fix is getting placed into bot lobbies.  It will allow you to get more kills and more wins and it will eventually lead you to a better rank overall. So here are some things you can do to get placed into a bot lobby. Want a fast Black Ops 6 Boost? Use these bot lobby tricks to dominate matches, improve your stats, and maximize XP gains!

Play with a newbie friend

If you can play with a friend who is completely new to the game and has a fresh account. You can queue with him and this way you’ll be most likely to drop in a bot lobby. New players go through a calibration process and due to that their first few matches are mostly filled with bots. So using your friend’s new account you can take advantage of their calibration matches. However, keep in mind that to play with your friend on a new account you should also be unranked. So before doing this be in rank decay and then enjoy the bot lobbies.

Play on a new Account

If you don’t have a friend who wants to play Warzone then you can always make an alt account and queue with it but their somethings that you need to take care of before doing this. First, you need an additional device that can run the game, and preferable both devices be on the same platform. Next thing both accounts should be on the same region and lastly, both accounts should be on different IP addresses so your new account can mimic your friend’s account. That’s it. Now for the first few matches your lobbies will be mostly filled with bots and just after your new account gets calibrated delete that account and repeat the process for as long as you want.

You can also get the same effect of calibration by just leaving the game for 15 to 20 days or until your rank decays. The longer you will leave the game the more your rank will decay and the more chances you will have to get placed in bot lobbies consistently. The only downside being that you will lose your rank and you will have to earn it back but by doing this you would not have to go through the hassle of managing two account on two devices.

Play on a different region

Some warzone regions have very low player counts and those regions have the highest chances of bot lobbies. All you gotta do is to just use a static VPN and select these regions and you’ll be good to go. The only disadvantage you’ll get while using this method is that your ping would be considerably higher than usual and from my personal experience it can be a deal breaker if it is too high. So make sure you have a stable internet connection while doing this. Sorry for keeping you waiting the regions for the bot lobbies are North Africa, Central Africa, Hawaii, and the Central Pacific. Even if you get some real players in the lobby you can easily knock them out since the player from that demographic is not that good at the game.

Off-Peak Hours

The next method is to play on nonpeak hours. Now this might not sound like a real deal but it kind of is. Since most of the players play the game after the business or in the 6 to 10 bracket your best chance to get some bots in your lobby is to play before that also you have to play the game on weekdays like Monday to Thursday because in some places there is 3 weekends so to be sure only play this 4-day window.

After placing your gaming session into the windows of 10 am to 4 pm on weekdays you’re way more likely to end up in a bot lobby. If that does not suit your routine you can always use a VPN to change the server region. You can use the VPN and place it in any region that has an office timing going on that’s it. Now this method does not guarantee that you will get bots in your lobbies. Since there are a lot of players who do play the game on weekdays and in the 10 to 4 bracket there’s a chance of it.