Dark Souls is a legendarily difficult game. If you’re having trouble getting people to play with you, these tips will help them conquer their fears and enjoy the game more.

Dark Souls 4 is a game of many mysteries and one of those mysteries is how to get humanity in Anor Londo. This article will show you four easy ways to get humanity in Dark Souls 4.

How to Get Humanity in Dark Souls (4 Easy Ways) –

Dark Souls is one of those games that isn’t always forgiving. The utilization of a mechanism called Humanity is a big aspect of the game. If you don’t understand how it works, you may be unsure what to do with it or where to look for the edible version. Many individuals may wonder how to get Humanity and what to do with it.

Humanity may be obtained through beating select opponents and bosses, as well as being discovered on corpses across the world and sold by specific merchants.

We’ll go through each one and let you know where you can find Humanity in general. You won’t have to worry about finding some by just playing through the game. Just remember not to squander them since they aren’t as plentiful as other commodities.

In Dark Souls, what does it mean to be human?

Dark Souls is a game in which you play as an undead character. This Humanity is the only way to get as near to being human as possible, yet it is only temporary. You can turn human once you have 2 Humanity on the top-right counter next to your health and stamina.

When you are human, you have additional benefits such as increased luck and tolerance to poison or curses. As previously stated, you can only remain human until you die, after which your Humanity is squandered. With the amount of times you die in the game, you will most likely not be human for the most of the game.

Even if you aren’t using it to replenish your Humanity, you might lose it, so be sure you aren’t squandering it. Humanity may also be used to increase the number of Estus Flasks you start with at a certain campfire. Make sure you understand what you’re doing since it’s a crucial aspect of the game.

1. Dropped by unidentified opponents

Humanity is dropped by a large number of opponents. The consumable version is the greatest option since you can store it for later. You could lose it the next time you die if you get any added to the counter. The Humanity Sprites in the Chasm of the Abyss are perhaps the finest area to cultivate Humanity.

They’re enormous Humanity ghosts that you can kill, and you’ve got a fair chance of locating several. Keep in mind that this place is near the conclusion of the Artorius of the Abyss DLC, so getting there will take some time.

Here is a list of all the Dark Souls foes that drop Humanity:

  • Small Rats (5 percent chance – Undead Parish, Depths, or Firelink Shrine; 3 percent chance – Depths or Painted World of Ariamis) drop this item.
  • Large Rats’ Drops (100 percent – Depths)
  • Snow Rat Drops (5 percent chance – Ariamis’ Painted World)
  • Skeleton Baby drops (2 percent chance – Tomb of Giants)
  • Pisacas left it in Duke’s Archive (4 percent Chance)
  • Humanity Sprites drop it in Chasm of the Abyss (AotA) (Small: Single 4.44 percent , Twin 1.11 percent ; Medium: Single 8 percent , Twin 2 percent ; Large: Single 9.09 percent , Twin 4.55 percent )
  • Several NPCs have dropped you.

Dark Souls 2: How to Get the DLC and Start Playing

2. Obtainable by killing certain bosses

The game has a large number of bosses, 27 to be precise. Except for a few reskins, each one is original. Bosses do provide Humanity, but not all of them. Humanity is dropped by 21 of the bosses, while the remaining 6 do not. Check out this Reddit thread outlining which bosses provide what for a more in-depth look at which bosses give what.

If you’re concerned about losing Humanity, save it for special events or just before a bonfire. You won’t necessarily lose anything if you attempt to battle the boss without Humanity since there are so many of them.

3. Found on the bodies of the deceased


In reality, there aren’t many of them in the world. You could discover a lot of these in your inventory if you finish a few NG+ runs without using any Humanity. Oh, and rekindling a blaze carries over to NG+, so if you do it to every major bonfire, you’ll get the most out of the flasks.

Just try to save as many as you can and don’t throw them away since you’ll need them later when the game becomes tough. Wait until you can easily farm for them, then utilize them anyway you want.

The following are the places where Humanity may be found across the world:

  • On the body dangling over the well at Firelink Shrine
  • Undead Burg: On top of the sewage canal, next to the Firelink entrance.
  • Undead Parish: Inside the church, near Lautrec’s cell, on a body in a barrel.
  • New Londo Ruins: Near the Valley of Drakes entrance, at the end of the walkway along the high wall.
  • Valley of Drakes: In a tiny cave, next to the lone Drake that is blocking the narrow route.
  • Cut the shackles on each of the two hanging corpses to gain entrance to the Painted World of Ariamis.
  • Giants’ Tomb: Right above the first campfire, on the ledge at the end of the final drop.
  • After defeating the first Golem, enter the Crystal Cave via a tight corridor with an unseen floor.

4. Sold by a variety of vendors

Humanity may be purchased from just a few merchants, who are listed below. It’s tough until you earn the Lord Vessel because, unlike the previous Dark Souls games, you can’t fast travel wherever you choose. These Merchants, on the other hand, are pretty near to the start and are not difficult to locate.

Here is a list of all the Dark Souls merchants that sell Humanity:

  • Undead Merchant sold it for 5,000 souls (one time only)
  • Patches the Hyena sold it for 10,000 souls (only sells 3)
  • Marvelous Chester sold it for 10,000 souls (only sells 13)
  • If you chat to Patches before the first event, bribe him, and don’t forgive him afterward.

The “soft humanity dark souls” is a way to get humanity in Dark Souls. It’s easy and it works. The “soft humanity dark souls” is a trick that can be done with any weapon, but the most effective weapons are the one-handed swords and the spears.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to get humanity in Dark Souls?

A: Humanity is not a stat that can be added to your character or removed from them. Humanity raises the chance of cursed weapons, but decreases random drops and increases enemy difficulty.

How do you dupe humanity?

A: As of right now, its impossible to dupe humanity.

Can you buy humanity in Dark Souls?

A: Humanity is a currency in Dark Souls, and it can be bought with souls. This means you can buy humanity by killing enemies or trading with other players online.

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