VBOS is a new type of storage for Minecraft that was introduced in the 1.13 update. It is designed to improve performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent to the GPU.

What Exactly Is The VBOs Setting?

VBOs, or Vertex Buffer Objects, are a Minecraft option that reduces the amount of data handled by the game. This may help eliminate latency and increase overall performance. VBOs are similar to keeping data in memory so that it does not have to be processed every time it is required. Instead, processing may be completed once and then saved for later use.

By activating VBOs, you are effectively allowing the game to store certain data and retrieve it when needed, rather of having to process the same information each time it is required. The biggest disadvantage of using VBOs is that it takes up more storage space on your computer, but if latency or performance problems remain after other options have been adjusted, VBOs should be activated as a last resort.

Should I Turn On VBOs In Minecraft?

Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOS) are a rendering feature in Minecraft. This feature caches the vertex data required for each item on the screen, enabling for smooth and quick 3D rendering.

This is very useful if you have a large number of textures, blocks, or other objects that need to be rendered rapidly.

In general, the answer to whether you should switch them on or off in Minecraft in 2023 is yes. Turning on VBOs improves efficiency by caching data and using it only when needed when playing Minecraft. However, enabling VBOs may reduce your frame rate if your equipment is unable of handling them. As a result, if you’re suffering frame rate decreases or latency, you should disable VBOs until your machine can handle it better.


Minecraft uses VBOS Vertically-Biased Octree Space Partitioning to partition a 3D game environment into separate subspaces for efficient rendering. As previously shown, it has benefits and downsides when compared to other rendering methods such as shadow mapping and ray tracing.

VBOS can enhance Minecraft’s aesthetics, but only if specific circumstances are satisfied, such as:

  • High hardware performance
  • Resource availability
  • Player budget

In conclusion, VBOS is absolutely worth investing in if you have decent performance and access to the necessary hardware or software resources, since it might make your game look gorgeous even in 2023.

What Is VBOS In Minecraft And Should You Use It? [2023 Answer]