The recent Destiny 2 Rising Tensions Quest has players in a heated debate over the future of Cayde-6. Players are divided on whether he should be removed from the game or not, but Bungie has yet to provide an answer and is instead encouraging fans to continue debating it as they play through quest.

The “rising tensions destiny 2” is a quest in Destiny 2 that encourages players to fight each other. The objective of the quest is to complete it and get your faction’s war chest up to 10,000 marks.

Destiny 2 Rising Tensions Quest

D2RisingTensions Quest

You’re required back at the Tower after doing some digging and encountering a ghost called Fynch who no longer wants to be a member of Savathun’s army.

Empress Caiatl is upset that the Guardians battled the Cabal on peculiar terms, and this has caused a problem.

You’ll have to wait and see how the discussions go before being assigned to an assignment that needs both the Vanguard and the Cabal to collaborate.

What Is The Rising Tensions Quest And How Do I Get It?

When you take the Synaptic Spear from Ikora during the early stages of The Witch Queen DLC, you will get the Rising Tensions quest.

Starting with the opening 3-step Witch Queen quest, you get the Synaptic Spear from Ikora. (This is not the same as the main one.)

Tensions are rising as the quest progresses.D2RisingTensions-2

Step 1: Finish the mission “The Investigation.”

As part of The Witch Queen campaign, you must finish Ikora’s investigation. The Enclave is the starting point for this expedition.

Check out our The Investigation Task Walkthrough for additional information on the mission.

Step 2) Speak with the contact in order to get useful information.

You will need to deal with a ghost called Fynch after the events of The Investigation task.

To advance to stage 3, get the “Hard Evidence quest” from him.

Step 3: Schedule a meeting with the Vanguard 

You have discovered the information Ikora has requested, and you have the option of continuing to combat Savathun or meeting with the Vanguard and Empress Caiatl.

Proceed to the Tower and to the hangar where a meeting will take place.

4) Speak with Caiatl

The War Table, which can be found at the H.E.L.M., is where Empress Caiatl and Lord Saladin would want to talk with you more.

To begin the dialogue, fast travel to the H.E.L.M. and engage with the War Table.

Step 5) Consult with Lord Saladin

Following your conversation with Caiatl, Lord Saladin will need to talk with you about a new danger and will assign you to deal with it on your own.

Because you can use the Synaptic Spear, Lord Saladin will send you to the EDZ to find a Hive Lieutenant who can wield the weapon.

Step 6) Go to Earth’s PsiOps Battleground: EDZ.

This is your first PsiOps assignment, and it takes place in the EDZ, where you’ll have to battle your way through the chaos and secure a Hive Lieutenant.

During this activity, you will be joined by other participants.

7) Return to Lord Saladin for a debriefing. 

Return to the H.E.L.M.’s War Table and interact with it to talk with Lord Saladin, who will give you a prize.

The Rising Tensions Quest is completed after you accept the prize.

Tensions are rising. Reward for completing the quest

The Recurrent Impact Legendary Machine Gun will be your prize for completing the Rising Tensions Quest.

After a brief conversation, Lord Saladin will give you the Operation Elbrus seasonal mission.


  • The Rising Tensions Quest teaches you how to use the Synaptics Spear in SciOps Battleground activities.
  • From this task, you may get the Operation Elbrus quest, which is a lengthy seasonal quest with a lot of progressions.


You’ve successfully secured a Hive Lieutenant with the Synaptic Spear, and it looks that this is a method to reclaim the Light.

Lord Saladin will contact you shortly about your next moves, which will entangle you even further in the struggle as you fight Savathun and try to thwart her ambitions.

Once you’ve completed this task, you should be able to do PsiOps Battleground missions and earn nice prizes and experience.

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The “recurrent impact god roll” is a quest that takes place in Destiny 2. The mission has been updated to include new content and rewards.

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