Destiny 2 is a really fun game, but it can be hard to know what to do when you’re not sure where your clan fits! This guide will provide some ideas on how you might want and suggest what the best options are.

The “ clans destiny 1” is a website that allows players to find and join Destiny 2 games with other people. The site has a lot of information about the game, including clan ideas for improvement.

Destiny Clan Revamp Ideas - Destiny 2 Games Guide

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Clan Revamp in Destiny

Why do we need a change?


  1. Clans are nothing more than free treasure with no gains or losses. They’re just a glorified contact list.
  2. Rewards used to be quite valuable. Are you unable to raid? If your clan succeeds, you will be rewarded. However, I’m sure many individuals, both outwardly and emotionally, were irritated by someone receiving something for which they felt they had worked harder. And if I worked hard and suffered, then everyone else should, right? No one should receive anything simply because someone else worked hard to earn something for the whole clan… – By the way, such thinking stinks.
  3. Hawthorne is supposed to be fantastic. She’s nothing more than a broken record with a twitching bird.
  4. Being a member of a clan is nothing exceptional. Who cares if I can participate in all activities without really participating in them?
  5. Clans should compete against one another for reasons other than raid release dates. Because I never contact with other clans and don’t wish to, I can name around three Destiny clans.
  6. They need something to make them have emotional links to them, rather than simply a bunch of names you’ll never plan with since you just joined a clan with a buddy, and you just play with that one friend and ignore everyone else because you don’t know anything about them.

What can we do about it? (By the way, fasten your seatbelts)

  1. Clan(Guild) Halls of MotherEffin Calusbot has his own throne chamber, as well as a room devoted to adoring him. What do we receive in exchange for bringing people together and slaying enormous mechs or “gods” who refuse to die? BRING BACK THE TRIBUTE HALL!!! An additional column of names on the right side of the roster page…… It is, however, the guardians’ property this time. That awful planet-eating spacecraft is still drifting around someplace, we’re sure of it. MAKE IT A PRIZE FOR US! We cleaned it out, defeated all of the bad guys, completed all of the tasks, smelled all of the flowers, and now we’re docking that bad boy and making it our own. Guardians may pay for resources to improve their appearance or do anything else they choose here. I understand it must be costly, but knowing that the clan may contribute to renovations would be fantastic.
  2. What exactly happens in this Clan Hall, you ask? Let me tell you, first and foremost, we need a chair that we can engage with and sit in. The clan flag is stretched across the ceiling towards the back of the room.
  3. Statistics for the geeks. I’d want to know who in my clan has the greatest PVP K/D. The top player in trials. Which individual has done the most raids/activities so I can see whether they’d be an excellent sherpa for the new lights? What characters are the major characters, and what are their favorite weapons? I’m not sure. Simply provide us with some statistics to assist us in determining who can accomplish what and who can be used to assist other players in their development. All of these elements are included in the game and do not need any additional resources. I don’t see the point in making any weird trackers for one-off use. During The Season of the Worthy, we got to see Doritos get closer one pixel at a time. So bring back my massive stats monitor. You may even utilize all of the previous tribute sites as placeholders. Alternatively, a large television. A large television would be ideal.
  4. Clan leader. Bring back an old raid monster, increase the difficulty level, and the more damage we do, the higher our rewards will be. We may be awarded for individual efforts that meet a particular damage level, and then we can be rewarded clanwide if we reduce the boss’s health to zero. Set a timer and let us go crazy with them. PVE buildcrafting would take off in this area. But couldn’t the boss be killed by a single team? YES! Congratulations, you’ve won the competition if you’re that excellent. Only your highest score will be included in your total damage score. So you can’t conduct many runs and continue to rack up points on the individual score loot.
  5. DROPS, as well as a merchant… Guess who gets to be the clan merchant who is suddenly amazing and useful???? You guessed correctly! LUIS! But this is exactly what Hawthorne needs. Pick up bounties to complete alongside clanmates in various activities (strikes, pvp, trials, gambit, raids, and clan boss) and get unique prizes. What distinguishes them? Let me tell you something. But first and foremost, she is where you go to get your clan boss prizes for how well you and the clan as a whole did with each level boss. So, what makes them unique????? This clan boss feature is linked to HIGH STAT ROLL armor and SOMETIMES adept weapons, as well as Ascendant Shards. Armor numbers improve as you go through the boss levels, and they improve with your own personal damage on each fight. Up to two stats with 20+ points per armor piece is possible. But hold on! There’s more! Dropped rewards may also be drops that are no longer available. I used to play on the PS4 before I realized how much of a problem Sony was making it for everyone to acquire cross-play. Guess who once went undefeated in Trials of the Nine, working my tail off to collect every piece of armor from every location, as well as their decorations, exotics, and everything else I could get? ON PS4, THIS GUY. Guess who switched to PC and lost all of those items, never to be recovered since the folks I played with didn’t go to PC, and NONE of my progress or collection was carried over? A LARGE NUMBER OF US. So this is a method to reclaim those items. It doesn’t matter to me how we got it. If our collections aren’t going to be combined (which I believe will eliminate a lot of character info from toons that aren’t being played anymore), So, in the long term, it may be a space saver? I don’t develop games, so don’t expect me to pretend I know everything and that this is a “simple” fix) then give us a method to receive the things we worked so hard for but now have no way to brag about.
  6. Clan vs. Clan squabbles and such. A higher strike rate? Raid completion in less time? More raids completed, monsters defeated, Cabals balled, orbs made, players revered? You name anything, whatever can be brought into the mix if clans are fighting against each other in terms of score. Is it true that your clan outscored the opposing clan? Congrats! Get your high stats or rare treasure (weapons, armor, emblems, ghosts, and so on…) OH! It’s also acceptable if they can’t be injected. Allow us to pick our reward so that others who don’t care about stuff that are gone forever don’t have to. They may always select that as a prize if someone wants them. Challenges are another feature of Clan V Clan. Have you heard that Math Class is yelling at each other? Datto, being the elitist Datto that he is, calling things like they are? All this bullshit about trying to assist people. That’s not going to work. Use a clan challenge in an activity to smack them. If the clan chief (or other clan members with clan privileges) agrees, both teams will be off to the races. Get into that activity, trample your adversaries, and if you chance to run into each other (this is a matchmaking thing), stomp your foes together. I would LOVE THIS, but I understand it takes time to put up, and I’m not going to beg for a game mode and matchmaking to be set up since I know how hard you guys work already, but wow, would it be SUPER amazing… just sayin….) then additional points to the winning clan.
  7. Clan recognition is a good thing. Did you do something this week, month, year, or franchise that no one else did? Guess who has their name/player model projected on a screen or a holographic projection plate for everyone in the clan to see when they come to the hall? You have it! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (This is an allusion to Kaguya-Love Sama’s is War)
  8. You claim there’s a new social space? YES! I’d want to be able to have a complete instance filled with clanmates if our clan has 100 members and we all play. These are my friends, family, and that one person we played with once who was very great, but we don’t see him on very often, so should we invite him to play now? This would be incredible. Knowing that they are your people as you go around shoulder to shoulder with everyone. These are your protectors, fighting with and for you.
  9. Wait a minute, social space… That implies we’ll need to find a provider for stuff like that…… NOPE. Fear not, Hawthorne is on his way! Already. This is where she calls home. She is now residing at this location. She is capable of decrypting all engrams and converting them to her new clan engrams. Bring her engrams for the retired drops. They can’t be infused back to life if they can’t be infused anymore, however the drops may be anything no longer dropped in the game. I’m aware that certain products will be available in Eververse. To keep the lights on, you have to generate money. Those things (assuming they are still able to drop) may remain in place. These types of objects may drop from these engrams if they have been removed from the game/their activity has been removed.

To sum it up, Season of the Family (insert Fast and Furious joke here) has the potential to be a SUPER great show. I realize these concepts aren’t new, and they borrow from a variety of games, but if we start with Rift or Supremacy, or help it concentrate on other team-oriented game modes, I think we’ll have a decent set of activities. And, given the current state of the story, I’m convinced that we could convert the lightless sniper into a kickass ninja sniper with a hawk that she uses to send down and rip off limbs. I don’t write tales, I simply gather glitter.

Original source: link

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