It took me years to get used to the idea that I was a guardian angel. Now, with all these new angels around, it seems a lot more difficult than before. The game is fun and colorful enough for people of any age but not so intimidatingly hard that you’ll give up in frustration very quickly.,

The “guardian angel lukiel last cloudia” is a game that was released on the iOS and Android platforms. It has been rated 3 out of 5 stars by users.

Guardian Angel Lukiel Review (Is She Good?) –

Lukiel, the Guardian Angel, isn’t only a nice unit…

She’s a fantastic person!

She is without a doubt one of the greatest units in the general gacha pool, capable of competing with high-tier restricted troops.

Not only that, but in terms of sheer versatility, she is unrivaled. And as a mage, support, or even a physical damage dealer, she is more than capable of leading a team.


the big picture (Archangel Lukiel vs Guardian Angel Lukiel)

Guardian Angel Lukiel is a much superior and more simplified version of Archangel Lukiel, the unshifted original unit.

She is substantially superior than her predecessor at everything, making her one of the greatest shift units in the game.


Archangel Lukiel (Fullscreen Mode) / Last Cloudia


Archangel Lukiel has relatively limited value outside of being a specialized Light DPS or Support unit, unlike Guardian Angel Lukiel, who can be used in practically every game style.


Tree of Knowledge


Guardian Angel Lukiel (Tree of Knowledge) / Last Cloudia


The powers of Guardian Angel Lukiel, particularly her Special Ability, are among her numerous strengths.

The following are the details:

  • Ark Orbit is a long-range homing thunder element strike with a single target.
  • Graceful Mine: AoE heals for allies with several thunder element homing attacks.
  • Particle Blaster: Thunder element attack with a large AoE.
  • Innocent Judge (Special Ability): Time is stopped and all abilities’ SCT recovery is boosted.

Her Unlockable Passives and Unique Traits are also incredibly useful for a variety of roles in the game:

  • Once her Special Ability is active, Avenging Angel applies a STR and INT boost as well as a skill damage buff.
  • Increases her damage max and thunder attack damage with Holy Thunder Executor.
  • Thunder Critical & Damage Boosts: She has all sorts of physical and magic attack enhancing boosts
  • Before the conflict begins, the Gospel of Vitality grants her one auto-revive.
  • The Gospel of Ramparts: Reduces the enemy’s physical harm to her.
  • Increases her healing effectiveness with the Gospel of Devotion. It also provides her with perpetual self-regeneration.


Uses in General

Guardian Angel Lukiel succeeds in most game types, but she struggles in a few, particularly if she doesn’t have the right build or backup from her party.

Nevertheless, she’s still a top-tier versatile unit that can be abused to fast-clear the hardest story & event stages with the use of her Special Ability.


Battles with the Bosses


Boss Battle (GA Lukiel Magic Screen) / Last Cloudia


The most popular and successful Guardian Angel Lukiel ability combination against bosses is to charge up her Special Ability with another support before spamming Ability 3 as much as possible.

It’s best to give her your Trishula and let her do her magic with her ability spams to maximize her DPS potential.

Remember that this “cheese strat” necessitates the use of particular Arks and Units, the majority of which are hidden beneath the Gacha.


Agriculture is a way of life for many people (PVE)

Outside of Battles with the Bosses (where she shines the most), general farming and autorunning stages are some other aspects where GA Lukiel also shows promise.


Story Stage Farming (Gorde Mines) / Last Cloudia


She has a couple Active Skills pre-installed:

  • Valza Ascender
  • Ex Radia
  • Gauge of Lightning

And two of them are fantastic AOE thunder element assaults that pause time.

If you’re still not pleased, equip her with Blizzard, some Casting Speed increasing talents, and a Radmoon Stone.

You’ll have a fantastic 1-second-clear farming unit on your hands!


a ring (PVP)


GA Lukiel in Arena / Last Cloudia


While she is still in use, she is no longer in the PVP meta and struggles to keep up with high-tier PSDP and MDPS units.

Because to her squishiness and absence of Special Ability, she’s a sitting duck as a DPS, but she may still be utilized as a secondary DPS or healer if you don’t have any other options.


Suggested Roles & Tips

Guardian Angel Lukiel is a support/healer who may be formed as a PDPS, MDPS, or a support/healer.

Thunder-element boosts, CRIT boosts, STR boosts, INT boosts, Dual Wield, Slayers, Sharp Eyes (optional), and Skill Stock increases (Important) are all required for her to succeed as a general DPS.

God Heal + Spirit Breath (equipped by your primary DPS) is the greatest skill combination for you if you’re going for a Support/SCT Battery setup.

Simply equip her with MP, MP Regen, and INT-boosting Arks when picking Arks, and you’re good to go!

TIP: If you want to go all-out DPS, equip her with damage-increasing Arks like Icy Guardian or Swordsman’s Tale.

For those who already have it, Great War of Ruin is likely the finest Ark you can offer her, since it complements her Special Ability.

Lukiel is a guardian angel in the game Guardian Angel. This review will explore whether she is good or not. Reference: is lukiel good.

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