The community is in need of more survivability, team helping abilities, and less exploitable tactics. With the recent changes to hunters being made before release, it will be interesting to see how these changes affect hunter gameplay.

The “best hunter pvp build destiny 2 beyond light” is a good example of how hunters need more survivability and team helping abilities. Hunters shouldn’t just be for PvP.

Hunters need more survivability and team helping abilities. Hunters shouldn't just be for PvP.

destiny2 4 - Hunters need more survivability and team helping abilities. Hunters shouldn't just be for PvP.

I know it’s been discussed a lot lately because of the current TWAB concerning abilities, but maybe if we keep hammering it home hard enough, Bungie will pay attention. I know a lot of people want Hunters nerfed to death due of PvP, but this isn’t a strictly PvP game, and Hunters are weak outside of PvP while other classes flourish (I’m looking at you, warlock).

(By the way, I don’t think either class needs nerfs; I simply find the comparison of a Hunter’s survivability to that of a Warlock’s weird and amusing.)


  • Almost every facet of the hunter subclasses needs to be reworked. Every high-end activity is much simpler for Warlock and Titan, and having a Hunter on your squad is virtually a detriment when it comes to GMs and raids. There were previously a lot of LFG postings screaming (NO HUNTERS) or (MUST BE TITAN OR WARLOCK), but now that the hunter’s ONE GM-friendly ability (dodge) is being nerfed, they’re almost worthless to have on the squad. Their sole other use may be replaced by a duskfield.
  • Outside of PvP, Arcstrider is practically worthless, while Nightstalker has been totally overwritten by seasonal modifications, leaving both subclasses obsolete. Even though Nightstalker can render everyone invisible, having another warlock with a rift is always preferable. Thunder Crash + Falling Star, which is simpler to utilize, causes less damage than Golden Gun + Celestial Nighthawk. For NO REASON, invisibility is only available to ONE class. Tether giving some damage resistance while within its radius, and Middle Tree Arcstrider working like Middle Tree Bubble and creating a larger barrier that reflected not just projectiles but also bullets, would be incredible and make them viable in high-end stuff. Survivability supers are available to all classes except Hunters, which makes no sense.
  • Hunter dodge must also apply to teammates in your immediate vicinity. It doesn’t make logical that the bonus would only apply to you since both Warlock and Titan have team-helping class skills, but Hunter doesn’t. Consider how much more valuable Hunters would be if marksman’s dodge was applied to teammates in your vicinity.
  • Hunters are routinely nerfed solely because they are the most popular class, and I’m sick of it. Shatterdive need a nerf, but hunters in general require a major boost across the board.

To be honest, the only reason people utilize Hunters as much as they do is because they seem to be the coolest (and recently because of shatterdive). Titan and Warlock are more versatile, with all of their subclasses doing something useful. Hopefully, these subclass reworks will assist Hunters, since they are in desperate need of it right now.

Original source: link

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  • Appreciation Thread for the Fated Four Hunters

    I just wanted to mention how much I like the four hunters that feature in the MHGen and MHGU intros, promotions, trailers, and official artwork. Three people and a cat make up this group: 1 user of a light bowgun (a man with Aerial and Alchemist style) 1 hammer user (a Striker and Brave-styled gal)…

  • If your PvP squad does exist, Bungie, please let us know.

    Let me begin by stating that I am aware that “Destiny is not a PvP game.” It’s mostly PvE, and since Beyond Light, the PvE aspect has been pretty robust (with the exception of Wrathborn hunts). However, hundreds of people still play PvP on a regular basis or solely at any given time…

Publish “Hunters need increased survivability and the ability to work as part of a team. Hunters should be used for more than simply PvP “in the game Destiny 2

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The “best void hunter build destiny 2” is a build that I believe would help hunters to become more survivable and team helping abilities. The build also includes the best weapons in Destiny 2.

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