This list ranks all of the skins in League of Legends. The rankings were based on their average ratings and popularity, as well as how much they’re used by top percentage players.

In this article, we will be looking at the top 10 best skins in League of Legends. We will also be ranking them from 1 to 10. The first skin on our list is Rumble’s Best Skins in League of Legends, Ranked – which you can find below.

Rumble’s Best Skins in League of Legends, Ranked –

It’s that time of year again, I believe.

It’s time to bemoan the frail existence of tanks and immovable carry at the foot of burn items.

Rumble, baby! That’s right, we’re talking about Rumble!

To get more specific, we’ll examine his cosmetics to determine how best to dress up while inducing minor sadness in top laners.


5. Rumble of Bilgerat

Bilgerat Rumble Splash Art / LoLRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of release: April 26th, 2011 Price: 520 RPG Points

This is one of those skins that had a great concept but fell flat on its face when it comes to execution.

It’s unbelievably great to be a pirate, Rumble. However, it doesn’t come over as forcefully as it should.

Sure, your mech is a ship, and you even have a pirate flag with crossed sculls and an eyepatch.

However, it lacks a pirate-like vibe.

For one thing, I don’t think of pirates as having flamethrowers and missiles.

Second, there aren’t nearly enough r-centered vocal lines or sea shanty sound effects.

Third, it wasn’t until I began writing this ranking that I realized his ult now features cannon balls.

Do you see what I’m getting at? Even the things that are present are easy to overlook!

Please, Riot, update this skin and make it the banger it’s always been.


4. Baron Rumble in the Badlands

Badlands Baron Rumble Splash Art / LoLRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The 11th of April, 2018 was the date of publication. 1350 RP is the price.

Baron Rumble of the Badlands cranks up the badassery to eleven.

Your spacecraft has been extensively customized to resemble a Decepticon gone rogue. And Rumble himself is more than willing to fight.

He’s got that wonderful punk engineer style, and it really fits him a lot more than I had anticipated.

The fact that you physically gulp gasoline and then spit fire as part of your recall motion, or the fact that your ult is much more difficult to identify in a teamfight, might be further selling factors for this skin.

Having said that, there is one major flaw with this skin that turns me off: the fact that the original voice-over is still present.

Rumble’s original VO is ok with me. However, it looks janky and out of place when matched with this skin.

So it’s a decent skin, but it’s not my favorite.


3. The Jungle Rumble

Rumble in the Jungle Splash Art / LoLRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: April 26th, 2011 The price is 975 RP.

The cult following for Rumble in the Jungle is the strangest I’ve ever seen.

With your mech constructed of coconuts and bamboo shoots and Rumble sporting a Hawaiian shirt and a pink mohawk, the character model is clearly on the lighter side of things.

How can you be agitated when you’re playing as someone so laid-back?

Furthermore, we must mention that this skin has one of the coolest names in the game.

And, of course, the whole skin’s pièce de résistance: the pineapple ult.

Overall, Rumble in the Jungle is a little silly and harkens back to the days when skins were completely random – but if you pay more money to Riot, you can get something a little more showy.


2. Rumble in the Space Groove

Space Groove Rumble Splash Art / LoLRiot Games is responsible for this image.

The film will be released on April 1st, 2021. 1350 RP is the price.

Okay, let’s start with what this skin isn’t good at: intimidation.

Seriously, when I look at this skin, I’ve never been more frightened of a champion.

Your auto-attacks like unicorn kisses, your Q resembles a luscious pudding coating, and your E resembles a loving boop on the nose.

This skin, on the other hand, excels at grooving to the limit.

Your ult has you dropping some techno squids that aren’t about to stop jamming just because the adversary is foolish enough to stand on top of them.

As if that weren’t enough, the skin now includes a funky new background animation that makes you the center of attention on the dance floor.

You also have the following characteristics to consider:

  • A vocal filter that sounds like a chipmunk
  • An absolutely adorable & highly detailed character model
  • Also, there’s a chroma collection that’s hard to surpass.

Overall, if you like kawaii, Space Groove Rumble is a must-have. However, if you want to keep part of Rumble’s original fierce vibe, you should pass.


1. Rumble in the Galaxy

Super Galaxy Rumble Splash Art / LoLRiot Games is responsible for this image.

Date of Publication: April 2nd, 2014 1820 RP is the price.

Legendary skins are often adored since they are among the most expensive cosmetics available.

Even by those standards, though, this skin has completely transformed what it means to play Rumble.

Is the skin a little underwhelming in comparison to recent legendary skins? Yes.

The background animation is terrible, and the fact that the new dance emote has no music makes me irritated.

But, in the larger scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter.

First and foremost, the new voice over for this skin is very iconic. It offers Rumble some of the flair and memorability he lacked before.

Furthermore, this skin understands how to make you feel strong. It’s maybe the only Rumble skin that makes your auto-attack seem threatening.

It’s also tough to go back to the standard rocket design after you’ve become accustomed to the ult appearing like the entrance to hell.

Super Galaxy Rumble is still more Rumble than the standard skin could ever aspire to be after all these years.

Note that this material was made utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games’ assets. This project is neither endorsed or sponsored by Riot Games.

“Rumbles” is a game mode in League of Legends. It was created by Riot Games and it’s the best way to play the game with friends. This article will list out the best skins for this mode. Reference: r rumbles.

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