Skyrim is one of the most popular game series in recent memory, with a large and loyal fanbase. With new mods coming out every day to make your Skyrim experience better than ever before, there are plenty of different playstyles for you to try. Here’s how nine different races fit into five main categories of playstyle:
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V
Race – Argonian
Playstyle- Stealthy Assassin

The “best race in skyrim for beginners” is a difficult question to answer. There are many different races and each has their own strengths and weaknesses. The best way to find out which race you like the most is to play with them.

The Best Skyrim Races for 9 Different Playstyles –

Skyrim has endured the test of time and is still considered one of the finest role-playing games of all time. With ten distinct races to select from, each with its own set of limitations and benefits, diverse playstyles have further divided the races.

Here are the finest Skyrim races for each playstyle, as determined by our playthrough of the games with each race:

  • Altmer – Mage (High Elf)
  • Argonians – Thief
  • Breton Archer of Stealth
  • Dunmer Assassin (Dark Elf)
  • Khajlit – Warrior
  • Nord – Knight
  • Orc Warrior (Survival Mode)
  • Imperial Paladin
  • Redguard Archer in Combat

But there’s more to the story than meets the eye. As previously stated, each race in Skyrim has its own set of characteristics. As a result, your comprehension of them will determine which playstyle each race is most suited for. Continue reading to see why a certain playstyle makes the most sense in a race.



To get the upper hand on their opponents, the Mage employs pure magic and intelligence. The Altmers (High Elves) are the finest race for playing a Mage in Skyrim since they meet all of the prerequisites.

Altmer is a character in the game Altmer (High Elf)

The Summerset Isle’s original inhabitants are the High Elves. They’re difficult to overlook, with conspicuously pointed ears and a slim physique that seems to be rather tall. The first race that springs to mind when someone thinks of a fully magic-based class is almost certainly the Altmer.

Abilities by Race

  • Magicka is increased passively by 50 points.


  • Highborn
    • Once each day, regenerate magicka quicker for 60 seconds.

Bonuses at the Start

  • Illusion +10
  • +5 Conjuration, Destruction, Enchantment, and Restoration

The High Elves are the only race in Skyrim that screams magic. You’ll be able to cast advanced spells straight away thanks to a +50 increase to Magicka right away. While your power, Highborn, may seem unimpressive, it raises your Magicka Regeneration by up to 2000%, enabling you to take on more difficult encounters and fire more powerful spells in a row.

While you may prefer aggressive fighting, you earn a +10 in Illusion, which is a pleasant boost since it enables you to experiment with stealthier choices. You receive an advantage over every other race in the game when it comes to magic with a +5 rise to every other magic-related skill in the game.

Going for a Pure Mage setup on High Elves, in our opinion, makes the most sense. You’ll be able to utilize offensive Destruction spells and guard yourself with Alteration, as well as use Shock to wipe out lower-health enemies. Because many adversaries are resistant to Frost, we do not suggest concentrating on it in the early game (particularly Nords).

If you’re not in the mood for close battle, learning Conjuration and keeping summons near by will come in handy. If you want to be closer to the action, though, you’ll need to invest on Bound Weapon spells.



Thieves are the most crafty and stealthy of all the playstyles. They like to operate in the shadows and grab what they want without any opposition since they are focused on going undiscovered. The Argonians are usually regarded as the greatest race in Skyrim for playing Thief.


The Argonians are one of the Black Marsh’s natural species. As a result of their look, which includes scaled skins, horns, and reptile traits, they’ve been categorized into more covert positions, and rightly so! As a result, Argonians are considered to be the greatest class for playing a Thief.

Playstyle Suggestions:

Abilities by Race

  • Fifty percent of people can fight disease.
  • Waterbreathing
  • Cold sensitivity is 25% of the time.
  • It is permissible to eat raw meat without being poisoned.


  • Histskin
    • Once a day, for 60 seconds, recover your health 10 times quicker.

Bonuses at the Start

  • Lockpicking +10
  • +5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak +5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak

With these numbers in mind, it’s evident that the Argonians were designed for a stealthier approach to the game. Sneak, Armor, and Light Armor all get massive benefits. You’ll also have a wider range of weapons to choose from. What’s up with that? You won’t have to waste money attempting to level up your other talents since they’ve already been greatly improved. If you want to play as a thief or prefer your assaults to be stealthy, the Argonian is the way to go.

But that’s not all the Argonians have to offer; in addition to being stealthy, they’re also tremendously powerful. They are a member of one of the game’s most robust races. Histskin, this is mostly due to their skill. Once a day, this enables you to recover 10 times quicker for a whole minute.

You’ll be able to withstand practically anything if you combine this with your inherent resistance to poison. Your ability to breathe underwater is an extra bonus. While this may not seem to be a big deal at first, particularly for a rookie player, the environment of Skyrim is full of rivers, lakes, and seas that hide riches and other things underneath them.

Apart from that, you’ll be able to go through other places and take the scenic path across lakes and seas. Overall, the Argonian is best used for thievery, although it may also be used for other purposes.

Archer of Stealth


Hailed as the most over-powered playstyle in the entire game. The Archer of Stealth combines the deadliness of a bow with the tenacity of stealth. The Bretons are the best race when it comes to playing Archer of Stealth in Skyrim.


A mixed race of both humans and elves, the Bretons are a unique bunch. While keen and proficient in Magic, they also have the highest natural resistance to magic in the game as well. They can be built for multiple different playstyles. However, we’ve had the most success in playing them as a mage and Archer of Stealth.

Playstyle Suggestions:

  • Archer of Stealth
  • Necromancer

Abilities by Race


  • Dragonskin
    • Once a day, you have a 50% chance of absorbing all damage and gaining the full magicka cost of any spells that strike your character for 60 seconds.

Bonuses at the Start

  • Conjuration +10
  • Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Alchemy, and Speech gain +5 each.

While they may not same eerily stealthy, Bretons make up for some really powerful Archer of Stealths if you build them right. Their innate +5 Illusion allows them to quickly level up the fabled Invisibility skill. With it, you can sneak around and remain invisible until you hit your target.

Furthermore, with a smidgeon of Destruction Magic and the ability to see foes through barriers gained through skilling your Alteration tree, you may carefully plan your next move. A bow, on the other hand, will let you to take down foes from a greater distance, while Sneak will allow you to maneuver about the battlefield and utilize spells to take down enemy before they see you.

You’ve probably noticed that in order to progress with this build, you’ll need to level up a lot of abilities. As a result, we suggest obtaining the Lover Stone from Kolskeggr Mine. Otherwise, you could find it difficult to develop all of your abilities to their full potential.

Build a Necromancer

You may achieve up to 90% magical resistance by utilizing the Lord Stone, the Alteration Tree, Breton’s innate resistance, and finishing the Agent of Mara quest. You’ll be doing a lot of damage if you use the Bound Sword spell alongside your summoned dead.

Furthermore, with a mix of Heavy Armor, Block, Alteration, and the +50 armor you obtain from the Lord Stone, you may achieve the armor cap quite rapidly. With these prerequisites met, the Breton emerges as a true tank when it comes to absorbing magical damage.

Stealth Mage / Assassin


The Stealth Mage / Assassin share the same characteristics. Slithering in the shadows, they deal massive amounts of damage at a moment’s notice. However, what spreads them apart is their choice of weaponry. While assassins resort to the blade, stealth mages use magic as their primary offense. The Dunmer (Dark Elves) are the best Assassins / Stealth Mages in the game.

Dunmer is a character in the Dunmer series (Dark Elf)

The Dunmer, often known as the Dark Elves, are recognized for their distinctive dark complexion and Elven features. Due to their qualities and strength, they are the most adaptable of the Elves in terms of playstyle.

Playstyle Suggestions:

Abilities by Race:

Fire Resistance: +50


  • Wrath of Ancestors
    • If an opponent gets too near, they will receive 8 points of fire damage every second. This skill may be used for 60 seconds once every day.

Bonuses at the Start

  • +10 Devastation
  • +5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Light Armor, Sneak +5 Alchemy, Alteration, Illusion, Light Armor, Sneak

Between the Mer or the other Elven races, the Dunmer offer a unique balance such that their Bonuses at the Start don’t focus on stealth or magic but are instead a culmination of both. While this may seem counter-intuitive, we ended up having the most fun playing the Dunmer as a stealth mage.

Destruction is still your offensive talent for doing damage. While most assassin builds rely on gaining sneak-based benefits and one-shotting adversaries, we can’t afford that luxury. Instead, stealth helps us to acquire the upper hand on our opponents, enabling us to attack before they strike.

Poison is out of the question since we won’t be utilizing any weapons. So, by investing in Alchemy, you may construct spells like Fortify Destruction to dramatically increase your damage, enabling you to deliver a lot of damage while battling on your own terms.


You’ll be able to negate a vampire’s inherent fire vulnerability by using Dunmer’s intrinsic fire resilience. As a result of their fire resistance and intrinsic resistance to the first and second phases of vampirism, Dark Elves have an easier time becoming vampires than any other species.



The Paladin never deviates from the path of light. They wield their swords to administer blows to anybody who crosses their way as a practitioner of Restorationist magic. If you wish to play a Paladin in Skyrim, you should choose the Imperial race.


The Imperials are known for their vast armies, disciplined character, and riches, and are considered the finest race in the game. As a result of their inherent inclination for conflict and the defending of principles and morals, they are natural warriors.

Playstyles to Consider:

Abilities by Race

Imperials have a higher gold finding rate than other races.


  • The Emperor’s Voice
    • For 60 seconds, it relaxes adjacent humanoids.

Bonuses at the Start

  • +10 Reinforcement
  • Block +5, Destruction +5, Enchanting +5, Heavy Armor +5, One-Handed

Paladins aren’t often thought of as a class in Skyrim. They’re more restrained when it comes to roleplaying. However, this does not negate an Imperial Paladin’s total efficacy. When you mistakenly enrage a town, your ability to soothe humanoids comes in useful. But, more crucially, collecting more gold speeds up the process of obtaining weapons and armor.

Generally, Paladins are extremely durable and resilient and swear by their Heavy Armor. Besides that, they are one-handed brawlers and share some similarities with a spellsword in the fact that they are adept with magic. However, Paladins are able to use healing spells in order to sustain longer in combat which ties in directly with the Imperial’s initial +10 Reinforcement.

One of the most common differences between a Paladin and a spellsword is your preference for Restorationist magic over Destruction magic. Aside from that, there isn’t much of a change in gameplay. The fact that a Paladin’s damage falls short in later stages of the game is one of the reasons for their weakness.



Warriors are the epitome of strength and force. Due to their unique qualities, the Khajlit are renowned to be the greatest fighters in Skyrim. They are noted for their attacking powers and their leniency toward unarmed warfare.


The Khajlit are Skyrim’s rarest race. They are recognized for their thin stature and feline, beast-like look. Their natural benefits, as well as their historical significance, enable them to thrive as archers, thieves, and fighters.

Playstyle Recommendation

Abilities by Race

  • With the basic unarmed damage set to 10, unarmed attacks deal 12 points of damage (all other races have their base damage set to 4).


  • Eyes of the Night
    • You can see in the dark for 60 seconds as many times as you like during the day.

Bonuses at the Start

  • Sneak +10
  • Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, One-Handed, Pickpocket, and Sneak +5

If you take a quick gander at the Khajlit’s Bonuses at the Start, you’ll be right to discern that this race inherently favors stealth over anything else. Plus, you don’t get any bonus points in any armor skill and therefore won’t be able to defend against most attacks.

A warrior, on the other hand, isn’t only about defense. Because of the Khajlit’s inborn capacity to do more unarmed damage than any other race in the game, we found it immensely exciting to play as a glass cannon throughout our playthrough. So you’ll be a force to be reckoned with!

As a Khajlit warrior, your improved attacking powers more than compensate for your decreased defense. However, you’ll still be a glass cannon for the remainder of the game. As a result, we only suggest this build to experienced players who are well-versed in the game. Otherwise, the lack of defense in this design may rapidly irritate you.

Various Playstyles

If being a warrior feels too hard as a Khajlit, going for a pure thief / archer build is much simpler and equally rewarding. Your Bonuses at the Start will allow you to move around remaining undetected and focusing on either Archery or One-Handed will let you make quick work of your foes regardless of your weapon of choice.

Orsimer is a character in the game Orsimer (Orc)


The Orcs have long been regarded as one of Skyrim’s best warrior species, having withstood the test of time. As a result, they are excellent fighters, possess remarkable resistance, and possess skills that enable them to annihilate their foes.

Playstyle Suggestions:

  • Warrior
  • Survival Mode is a game where you have to survive (Warrior)

Abilities by Race


  • Rage of the Berserker:
    • For 60 seconds, take half and inflict twice damage.

Bonuses at the Start

  • Heavy Armor +10
  • Enchanting, +5 Block Smithing, One-Handed, Two-Handed

In vanilla modes, the Orcs have no passive. However, when it comes to Survival Mode, they are the greatest race. This is due to the fact that they acquire two highly potent passives:

  • +15% Fatigue Resistance
  • +15 Percentage Points to Fight Hunger
  • Warmth +10

You won’t be able to quick travel in Survival Mode, so you’ll have to rely on walking or riding a horse. With that in mind, reducing the amount of time you need to rest or eat will significantly speed up your game performance. Furthermore, there aren’t many sites where you can adequately relax and prepare your meals while traveling.

However, as an Orc, you don’t have to worry about either of that and can instead carry on with your journey without breaking a sweat. You also gain Warmth +10 as an Orc in Survival Mode. However, that is overshadowed by other races such as the Nords who tend to stay warmer for longer.

Alternative Construction

Orcs, as you would expect, are still a viable option in the original game, and their favored playstyle is warrior. You may either decide not to use magic at all or lean toward Destruction magic, which will convert you into a spellsword. While the race isn’t very enjoyable to play owing to its generic character, it does deliver a significant amount of damage and remains a meta favorite.



Magic has no effect on the Knights. Their playstyle is completely based on relying on iron and steel to speak for them. The Nords are said to be the greatest race for performing a distinctive playstyle like that of a Knight.


The Nords make up the bulk of Skyrim’s inhabitants. They have the appearance of a normal person and may be performed in a number of ways. Nords, on the other hand, are most often found as warriors and knights owing to their mastery of one-handed fighting.

Playstyle Recommendation

Abilities by Race


  • Cry of War
    • For 30 seconds, all targets escape.

Bonuses at the Start

  • +10 if you’re a two-handed player
  • +5 Block, Light Armor, One-Handed, Smithing, Speech; +5 Block, Light Armor, One-Handed, Smithing, Speech; +5 Block, Light

In Skyrim, a pure warrior is often referred to as a knight. This playstyle is characterized by the absence of any magic and a total concentration on heavy armor and battle. As a result, the Nord is a perfect match for this type of play.

With inborn resistance to cold, you’ll be able to survive against peskier foes like Falmer who can easily overwhelm you if you don’t have inherent frost resistance. Besides that, having access to your Cry of War allows you to scurry enemies away when overwhelmed granting you much-needed space.

Related: Why Are You a Vampire in Skyrim, and How Can You Get Rid of It?

When it comes to not utilizing magic, the Nord is one of the few classes that doesn’t need it. Due to the lack of an initial magic benefit, two-handed weapons may be prioritized to deliver massive amounts of damage from the start.

Archer in Combat


The Archer in Combat is the polar opposite of the Archer of Stealth. Instead of waiting for the perfect opportunity, this playstyle has you waltz in to reap the moment on your own. This is why the Redguard race is the best for playing a Archer in Combat.


In comparison to any other race in the game, the Redguards are famed for their weapon skill. They are distinguished by their humanoid features and darker color. Redguards are often portrayed as warriors and rangers / archers.

Playstyle Recommendation

Abilities by Race


  • a rush of adrenaline
    • For 60 seconds, stamina regenerates 10 times quicker.

Bonuses at the Start

  • +10 if you can only use one hand
  • +5 to Alter, Archery, Block, Destruction, and Smithing

While Redguards can be played in a variety of ways, we’ve had the most fun with them as Archer in Combats. a rush of adrenaline allows you to stay zoomed in for an entire minute due to your stamina regeneration. What differs you from a Archer of Stealth is your focus on being up close.

In terms of your playstyle, your primary skills are the entire archery and the shield bash perk which is found on the block tree. Instead of sneaking up on your foes like a Archer of Stealth, the Archer in Combat gets right to their face bash them, then zoom in on them and shoot them.

Furthermore, bonuses from the light armor tree boost your stamina regeneration even more. You should be able to survive most confrontations if you avoid taking melee damage.

What Is The Best Race In Skyrim To Begin With?

Finding the perfect race to start with might be difficult with over ten distinct options. In general, having a broad notion of what playstyle you’re searching for is critical when picking a race. If you are a new player, though, this may not be the case.

With that said, the easiest playstyle to get started with in Skyrim is a Archer of Stealth. They deal quite a lot of damage and can one shot most enemies which is further testament to their prowess. The best race to start with in Skyrim is the Breton. They are extremely tanky, their innate abilities allow them to soak up quite a lot of blows and synergize the best with the skills required from a Archer of Stealth.

However, while they are the best race to start with, they do carry a bit of a learning curve as you might end up making a lot of mistakes when you first start paving your way towards more inconspicuous ways. Not to worry though, with ample practice, you’ll soon realize the raw damage output and utility that a Archer of Stealth has over any other playstyle in the game.

What Is The Easiest Race In Skyrim To Play?

The Imperial is the easiest race to play in Skyrim. This is because of their racial power, The Emperor’s Voice, that allows you to calm all humanoids down for 60 seconds. Once you first start the game, there’s a high chance that you may end up angering an entire village due to a particular action.

You may need to evacuate the village if something occurs. Earlier stages, though, may result in the NPCs ganging up on you and murdering you. You may utilize the Imperial’s intrinsic capacity to quell any opposition while you make your big escape to avoid such a gloomy religion. You may also acquire more gold than any other class in the game because to your passive. This makes the game a lot simpler since you’ll be able to locate your equipment much faster.

Finally, the Imperial is appropriate for a Warrior, Paladin, Knight, and Swordspell, among other playstyles. As a result, you’ll always have a variety of alternatives to choose from.

Even with all these playstyles covered, there are many that are left untouched. If you are a new player though, we recommend checking out the Warrior, Archer of Stealth, and Stealth Mage for a taste of what Skyrim has to offer from every angle!

The “skyrim best race for warrior mage” is a topic that many players are interested in. This article will discuss the different playstyles and what races would be best for each of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the strongest race in Skyrim?

A: The strongest race in Skyrim is the Nord, who are resistant to frost and disease.

Whats the best race to pick in Skyrim?

A: I am sorry to say that there is no best race in Skyrim. The choice of which race you choose will depend on what kind of playstyle and campaign you enjoy the most.

What is the best race in Skyrim for one-handed weapons?

A: The Khajiit is by far the best race for one-handed weapons.

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