If you’re getting the “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” error, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to fix this common Steam error.

Fix 1: Check Your Internet Connection

Fix 1: Check Your Internet Connection is an instructional guide designed to assist customers in resolving the “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” problem code 2023. When a user’s network connection becomes unstable or poor, it prevents them from joining to the Steam network.

The first step in resolving this problem is to verify your internet connection and ensure that it is operational. To accomplish this, use the command prompt or terminal application on your device and ping the Steam servers to determine if you can connect. If not, a disconnect between your device and the server is usually due to an unstable connection or brief interference.

If you are still unable to connect, try the following:

  • Resetting your modem and router for a few minutes before trying another connection.
  • If available, switching between several networks, both wired and wireless. This will aid in determining if the issue is with the router or somewhere in your network configuration.

Fix 2: Run Steam Client As An Administrator

Fixing the “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” problem might be a time-consuming task. However, one potential option is to run Steam Client as Administrator. This indicates that you must run the software as an administrator and with enhanced rights. To do so, right-click the Steam desktop shortcut and choose “Run as Administrator”.

After that, try signing into Steam using your account credentials. If this procedure fails, you have alternative choices, such as:

  • Flushing DNS cache
  • Resetting network settings

Nonetheless, running the Steam client as an administrator has been shown to resolve this issue in many circumstances and is worth a go considering its simplicity.

Fix 3: Change UDP To TCP In Your Steam Executable File

Change the UDP to TCP in your Steam executable file to fix #3. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol while UDP is for User Datagram Protocol. The goal of these protocols is to guarantee that data is correctly transferred through a network or Internet connection.

To convert UDP to TCP, find the Steam executable file and create a duplicate with a different name so that you can always restore the original file if anything goes wrong. Then open the new Steam executable file using a text editor and look for “usesock” and replace “UDP” to “TCP”.

After making your modifications, restart Steam and try connecting again; the issue should be resolved this time.

For The Curious

If you’re wondering why Steam can’t connect to a network at times, the most common cause is a firewall limiting access. Firewalls are applications that are set up to filter traffic and prevent harmful incoming connections from connecting to your computer. It’s likely that your firewall has flagged Steam as an alert, stopping it from completing its job.

To resolve this, you must add a Steam exemption to your firewall settings. This will inform the software that it is safe to connect. Additionally, you may want to consider:

  • Upgrading any network drivers or software, since older versions might create connectivity troubles with Steam.
  • The “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” bug should be gone with a good setup and a few small modifications.

Fix 4: Make Sure Your Network Drivers Are Up To Date

Fix 4 ensures that your network drivers are up to date in a fast and simple manner. Network drivers link your computer to the internet, enabling you to connect to Steam’s servers. Outdated network drivers might cause connection problems such as the “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” error, so make sure they are up to date.

If you don’t know how to update your network drivers, it might be intimidating, but there are a few basic actions you can do:

  1. Discover the kind of network card or adapter that is installed on your computer; This information is usually available on the manufacturer’s website or in the user manual.
  2. After determining your network card type, locate the necessary driver on the manufacturer’s website or its software support site.
  3. Finally, download and install the most recent driver version for your machine.

Following these steps will ensure that you have updated network drivers, minimizing or eliminating any connection difficulties caused by obsolete drivers.

Fix 5: Uninstall The Steam Client And Re-Install It

Uninstalling and reinstalling the Steam client might assist you in resolving Steam network connection difficulties. This generally resolves a lot of the issues that you see while attempting to connect to the network.

To begin, you must remove your current version of Steam. In Windows, go to “Programs & Features,” pick “Steam,” and then click “Uninstall.” Restart your computer after removing it, and then download the most recent version of Steam from their official website. Open the installation file, wait for it to complete installing, and then launch Steam from its desktop shortcut. You may also be asked to log in using your account information or to establish an account if you don’t currently have one. Once signed in, try connecting again to check if your connection problem has been addressed.


A connection or firewall issue is frequently the blame for the “Could Not Connect To Steam Network” error. Check your internet connection, delete any third-party software that may be interfering with a connection, then restart your computer to see if it helps. Also, make sure you have the most recent version of Steam installed and that your network drivers are up to date.

If none of these recommendations work, you may try utilizing a VPN or visiting the official Steam support website for more help. Finally, if none of these approaches have worked for you, it is possible that the Steam servers are offline. In this instance, you should keep attempting to connect until it works again, since there is nothing more you can do until Steam resolves the problem.

Fix: Could Not Connect To Steam Network [2023 GUIDE]