IMO is an asymmetric multiplayer game, set in a dystopian society where two factions are fighting for the future. Players must choose to fight as either The Sentinels or The Ruined King – with different abilities and goals.

The “Sentinels of Light community battle” is a game that takes place in the Sentinels of Light universe. It is a really good game, even if you didn’t like Sentinels of Light or ESPECIALLY if you like any of the featured characters.

IMO - The Ruined King game is really good, even if you didn't like Sentinels of Light and ESPECIALLY if you like any of the featured characters

LeagueofLegends7 - IMO - The Ruined King game is really good, even if you didn't like Sentinels of Light and ESPECIALLY if you like any of the featured characters

TL;DR Despite my dislike for Sentinels of Light’s shoddy writing, I decided to give Ruined King a shot. That being said, I paid full price on steam and had my finger poised over the refund button, ready to press the button before the two-hour time restriction expired. Instead, I received a game that I nearly wanted to play again a few days after completing it if I knew I could have even more diverse interactions/experience.


  • Combat and skills allow you to create your own playstyle using characters you’re familiar with and may or may not like in ways that are well-suited to their league gaming. (ESPECIALLY in the case of Yasuo and Illaoi.) Character characteristics are highlighted in combat remarks and even in cinematics for ultimate abilities.
  • The mythology is fantastic; it really brings Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles to life, with a dash of Ionia and Freljord history thrown in for good measure. When they began joining these characters (with the sour taste of the same thing occurring in Sentinels of Light for what seemed like merely selling skins in my mouth), I was ready to roll my eyes, but the reasons they present for their coming together are solid.
  • In my opinion, the Non-Ruined King Villains steal the show. When it comes to ruination, Thresh Mains in particular seem to be feasting.


  • To be honest, calling the whole game Ruined King seems a little disingenuous. Viego went from not being engaged at all to kind of being involved as an object/MacGuffin to really being Viego just in time for the game to conclude, which seemed more like Prelude to Ruination or something (though we do get a little more fleshing out of his lore and relationship with Isolde than before)
  • It doesn’t seem to build up to the Sentinel of Light event very effectively (which might be a benefit or a curse), but it helps explain why some of these characters were left out of the sequel.
  • Early on in battle, I found myself rushing through a few bouts until I unlocked specific characters and had enough runes + ability points to build a playstyle that I liked.


  • To get past puzzles/find items, I had to check up information from other players on the Ruined King subreddit a few times. It might very well be a “me” issue.
  • There are a few appearances by lore characters that Legends of Runeterra fans may recognize more than League-only gamers.

Overall, it was well worth the money, and it has piqued my interest in the MMORPG. The narrative is fine, but it’s the environment, combat, and character relationships that really shone for me in this game. I played the game for around 25 hours, with part of that time spent on optional goals, which I seldom do in games.

Also, I’m hoping they make their own version of Divinity Original Sin 2 using the top-down design they utilized here.

Original source: link

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For the game League of Legends, write “IMO – The Ruined King game is pretty fantastic, even if you didn’t enjoy Sentinels of Light and ESPECIALLY if you like any of the featured characters.”

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The “new sentinel of light champion” is a new character in the Sentinels of Light game. The new character, who is called IMO, has been described as “a Ruined King”.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Ruined King game canon?

A: No, it is not considered canon.

How many hours is Ruined King?

A: Ruined King is a 5-6 hour game.

What type of game is ruined King going to be?

A: King is going to be an adventure game about a boy and his dog.

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  • ruination event story
  • legends of runeterra ruination event rewards
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  • rise of the sentinels visual novel