In League of Legends, there are hundreds of champions to choose from. These champions vary in their strengths and weaknesses which make them unique and ideally suited for different playstyles. This article will explore the best female champions in League of Legends.

The female champions league of legends is a list of the best female champions in League of Legends.

Every position has a slew of fierce female champions, each with their unique set of skills that will help you climb the ranks.

Of course, finding out which ones are the current meta’s reigning queens is difficult if you don’t know where to begin.

That’s why, based on criteria like playstyle, survivability, and current win rate, I’ve created this list of great female LoL champions (S11).

I’ve also included at least one female champion from each position, ensuring that you’ll discover your new main here.


10. Vayne

Vayne LoL gameplay screenshotImage Credit:

Vayne, the Night Hunter, comes in at number ten.

Vayne is a ferocious hyper-carrier who rips through any opponent who dares to stand in her way, regardless of how tanky they are.

She’s presently one of League’s most formidable ADCs, which comes as no surprise given her excellent scaling, unrivaled DPS, and ability to hunt down any opponent.

And what if you’re fed up with her?

You’ll make the enemy’s Ninja Tabis shudder (which, let’s be honest, barely scratch the surface of her OP damage output).

Vayne, on the other hand, has a very high skill ceiling, so if you want to play as this female champion, be prepared to make a lot of “vaynespotting” moments.

The good ol’ classics are included, such as rescuing an opponent with condemn and falling into the opposing turret.


9. Ashe

Ashe Female Champion LoLImage Credit:

Even though Ashe is one of the oldest female champions, she would put the younger ones to shame.

Her gear includes everything a marksman could possibly need;

High attack speed, slows, global range CC, and even a vision-granting ability are all features of this character. So, finally, you may kill your opponents without worrying about their jungler lurking in the bushes.

She’s also one of the most user-friendly female champions, making her an excellent choice for newcomers.

You will not be disappointed if you choose Ashe’s True Ice bow.

The only reason she’s not higher on this list is because she’s a woman.

As every marksman main knows from personal experience, ADCs don’t play a particularly important role in this early-game focused season.


Katarina is number eight.

Katarina LoL gameplayImage Credit:

Katarina is a fearsome assassin with a unique set of tools:

To kill quickly.

Her swords inflict lethal damage, and her passive resets her ability cooldowns if she strikes a death blow.

She also possesses gap closers and a lot of mobility, so she can get right into the action and go to even the most well-defended carry.

Katarina’s greatest feature is her ability to snowball: if she gets even one kill, it’s virtually a guarantee that she’ll turn into an unstoppable monster, slicing through squishy opponents left, right, and center.

She also has a versatile build, allowing her to be used in a variety of situations; you may go Electrocute on her for big burst damage, or Conqueror for greater lane sustain.

Plus, her abilities grow with both AP and AD, so you may develop AP or AD.

Simply said, if you’re looking for a ferocious snowballing female champion who’s also adaptable and mobile?

Your best bet is Katarina.


7. Leona

Leona LoL gameplay screenshotImage Credit:

Leona has always been a popular choice, and with good reason:

She’s a threat in the laning phase, with excellent survivability and CC that will drive even the most “zen” foe into a rage.

While she may be used to defend in battles – she can withstand pretty much everything thrown at her – she can also be used to initiate them with ease, due to her excellent gap closing and engage choices.

Not only that, but Leona’s auto-attack reset makes her one of the simplest champions to destroy opponent wards with (gotta show your vision score some love).

What is Leona’s single flaw?

You’re all in once you’re in.

You’d best choose your battles wisely since she has no way of escaping!


6. Yuumi

Yuumi Female Champion LoLImage Credit:

The mystical feline that all League players despise is coming next: Yuumi (Seriously. There’s even a petition on to have her kicked out of the game.)

Despite her cute appearance, Yuumi is a capable support who can help her team win any battle.

When she isn’t distracted by fish, that is.

Yuumi’s kit offers everything you need to put the opponent in perma-gray screen mode: plenty of CC, sustain, and a projectile that can do a lot of damage.

But what distinguishes Yuumi as one of the game’s greatest female champions?

It’s got to be her W, I’m sure.

She has the ability to jump onto any carry and make it 10 times more OP.

I now see why the Egyptians revered felines after playing Yuumi!


LeBlanc, No. 5

LeBlanc LoL gameplayImage Credit:

Despite his great survivability, LeBlanc is a burst mage who can deliver insane damage in a matter of seconds.

You can dive right into a teamfight, one-shot their carry, then “nope out” without breaking a sweat thanks to her passive, incredible mobility, and distortion ability.

And, hey, if you like swaying the opponent, LeBlanc’s clones will let you accomplish exactly that!

She is a true trickster who will mislead your opponents into giving you all the LP you want.


Camille is number four.

Camille LoL gameplay screenshotImage Credit:

Camille is a female top laner that terrorizes anybody who comes into contact with her blades.

She has incredible mobility, true damage, and a powerful ult that provides her the upper hand in every teamfight.

It enables her to isolate the carry and slice them to bits before they can even launch an auto-attack on her other teammates.

Camille, like many of the other female champions on this list, isn’t the simplest to find.

But what if you’re as game for a challenge as Camille is for hextech bodily augmentation?

She’s the one you’ve been looking for.


3. Lulu

Lulu Female Champion LoLImage Credit:

Lulu isn’t only one of League’s prettiest champions; she’s also one of the most capable climbers up the ranked ladder.

With her far-reaching slow, vision-granting shielding, and knock up ultimate, this fairy sorceress will alter reality in your favor.

Who could forget polymorph, of course? (Or, in other words, her “killing me is out of style, but being a cute critter is in” talent.)

Lulu is a fantastic (and simple!) support to take up since most of her abilities are point and click.


Evelynn is number two.

Evelynn LoL gameplayImage Credit:

Evelynn personifies the “femme fatale.”

She seduces her foes with her seductive appearance, then exposes her real, ghastly nature: a cruel assassin who delights in torturing and massacring everyone in her path.

But what makes her so dangerous and one of League’s greatest junglers?

Once she reaches level 6, it’s her incredible ganking ability.

She gets the ability to disguise at level 6, enabling her to sneak up on the opponent without them noticing it.

And by the time they realize it, it’s usually too late – she can charm her opponent to keep them from fleeing, and her ultimate, Last Caress, enables her to destroy them in seconds.

Evelyn is a powerful ganker who also does a lot of damage to camps and has a lot of sustain.

Her equipment also enables her to quickly get out of dangerous situations.


1. Fiora

Fiora LoL gameplay screenshotImage Credit:

Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is at the top of the leaderboard.

Fiora is the undisputed queen of top lane, and she does it with “precision and elegance.”

Her dueling is unrivaled, because to her fast attack speed, critical strike attack, and parry (Riposte), providing her excellent lane presence and amazing split pushing capabilities.

She can even “in a blink of an eye” slash past tanks and turrets.

And if that wasn’t enough to persuade you, let me present you to her greatest challenge, appropriately dubbed the Grand Challenge.

Fiora — and every ally surrounding her – regains almost all of their health if you complete the task of hitting all four vitals.

Consider how devastating and game-changing this ult would be in duels and teamfights.

Given her equipment, it’s no wonder that Fiora can take on several opponents if she’s played correctly, making her a 1v5in’ battle queen.

And for those who still don’t think she’s deserving of the top position, consider this:

Fiora just has one thing to say to you: “insolent peasants!” get out of here!

Note that this material was produced utilizing Riot Games’ “Legal Jibber Jabber” policy and Riot Games’ assets. This project is neither endorsed or sponsored by Riot Games.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the most popular girl in League of Legends?

The most popular girl in League of Legends is Miss Fortune.

Who is the most attractive League of Legends champion?

I am not sure what you mean by attractive.

How many lol champions are female?

There are currently three female lol champions.

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