Metroid Dread is an action-adventure game developed by MercurySteam and published by Nintendo. It was released for the Wii U on September 15, 2016 in North America and Europe.

The metroid dread artaria items map is a 100% completion guide for Metroid Dread. It includes all the locations of Artaria’s items in the game.

In Artaria, Samus Aran starts her adventure through Planet ZDR. You’ll start with no special weapons or equipment, but as you reclaim your abilities, you’ll discover a variety of health and ammunition improvements.

This kind of secret may be found in every zone in Metroid Dread (save the last one). Here’s where you’ll discover all of Artaria’s hidden and difficult-to-reach treasures.

Missile Tank #1 [+2] | No prerequisites

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It’s impossible to overlook Artaria’s first Missile Tank. The game will stop at the beginning to offer you some important information: if you notice a white flashing room on your map, it means there’s a secret object you haven’t found yet. When the game instructs you to do so, search for a cracked section of the rock wall to blast, then shoot the explosive sac concealed behind it. This will clear the way for your initial expansion.

Missile Tank #2 [+2] | No prerequisites

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After escaping the first EMMI Zone, look for the second Tank. To reach a set of platforms along a yellow-striped wall, go through the tunnel to the right. Climb them to the right to locate the Tank on a ledge.

Requirements: Missile Tank #3 [+2] Missile Tank #3 [+2] Missile Tank #3 [+2] Missile Tank #3 [+ None

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You’ll pass by the third Missile Tank as you slide down several sloping levels above the Artaria Map Station. Head right from the Map Station, up the platforms, and through the door on the left. Defeat (or avoid) the huge Muzby in the next chamber and exit via the other door. You’ll be on a ledge near the sloping floors from before, where you may pick up the Missile Tank.

Charge Beam | Energy Tank | Requirements

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To begin, you’ll need the Charge Beam; here’s how to get it. Return to the game’s very starting chambers after you’ve gotten it. To locate a Charge Beam door, go all the way to the right through the caves. Pass through it, then leap to the next level and slip through the tiny hole to the tank hidden within the little alcove.

Requirements: Missile Tank #4 [+2] | Missile Tank #4 [+2] Beam of Charge

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This is in the chamber immediately next to the Network Station in the EMMI Zone’s top-right corner. You may open the door on the top right in the station using your new Charge Beam. Grab the Tank by sliding through the little opening in the next room.

#5 Missile Tank [+2] | No Requirements

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When you open the thermal doors in the area, you’ll notice this. A missile block is concealed just close to the mechanism that unlocks the doors. Blow it away, then shoot the door from this side (it can’t be opened from the other). To get the Missile Tank, exit the chamber to the east and loop around to the now-open entrance.

Missile Tank #6 [+2] | Spider Magnet is required.

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In the EMMI Zone’s center-east corner, there is a cluster of blue platforms. You can climb up the upper left side of the tunnel after you acquire the Spider Magnet ability. Shoot the Beam Blocks out of the way, then jump across to the upgrade ledge.

Missile Tank #7 [+2] | Spider Magnet is required.

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An Energy Recharge Station is located just south of the EMMI Zone. Go there and latch onto the left-hand wall with your new Spider Magnet. Climb up to the ledge, take a dip in the water, and then leap to the surface, where a Missile Tank awaits.

Part 1: Energy | Requirements: Morph Ball

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You’ll find this Energy Part in the chamber next to the northwest Save Station, where it’s visible in the ceiling. Hop up to the ledge and roll over to grab the Morph Ball once you have it.

Missile Tank #8 [+2] | Morph Ball is required.

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This Missile Tank may be located right under Cataris’ Red Teleportal. Drop into the water and tuck into the compartment where it’s hidden using your Morph Ball ability.

Missile Tank #9 [+2] | Morph Ball is required.

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The top-right of the EMMI Zone and the highest of the two Network Stations form a tiny chamber. To reach there, enter the Station via the top-left entrance. To acquire another Missile Tank, use your Morph Ball to slide through the debris, leap up to the ledge, and then jump over the gap in Morph Ball form.

Morph Ball, Spider Magnet, and Grapple Beam are required for the Power Bomb Tank.

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This may be discovered in the rafters above the large chamber in the EMMI Zone’s center. While the Space Jump makes it easy to get there, you may acquire it earlier in the game if you want. You may slither up and over using the Spider Magnet on the blue wall on the right side of the chamber, swinging to the ceiling with the Grapple Beam. Then, in Morph Ball shape, tuck into the tiny hole to grasp the Power Bomb Tank.

Missile Tank #10 [+2] | Morph Ball, Bombs are required.

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In the big cave towards the beginning of the game, there is a tiny lip. You may drop a Bomb from the left side to demolish a block, then roll through to collect the Missile Tank on the opposite side. (Once you have the Space Jump, you may just jump up to the ledge.)

Missile Tank #11 [+2] | Morph Ball, Bombs, and Flash Shift are required.

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Return to the location where you met the first EMMI, the broken one, after you have the Flash Shift ability. With a leap and a double Flash Shift in midair, you may reach a tiny nook in the upper room’s top-right corner. To locate a Missile Tank within, tuck into the opening and bomb the wall. (You may also Space Jump your way up here, like you did with the previous Tank.)

Missile Tank #12 [+2] | Charge Beam, Spider Magnet, Varia Suit are required.

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Head to the volcanic chamber linked to the Cataris elevator – it’s simpler to get to this Tank from that side. With a Charge Beam, open the door, then jump up to the Spider Magnet track on the ceiling. Drop just in time to collect the Missile Expansion, which lies on a tiny sloping platform.

Missile Tank #13 [+2] | Charge Beam, Spider Magnet, Varia Suit are required.

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Another volcanic chamber may be discovered slightly west of the last Missile Tank. Open the door with a Charge Beam once again and leap to the magnetic ceiling. Shoot the flying opponents as you monkey-bar to the left, since they may knock you into the lava below. You’ll finally reach the Expansion on a ledge at the far end of the area if you time your moves to avoid the occasional fire jets.

Missile Tank #14 [+2] | Speed Booster is required.

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A pair of Speed Booster Blocks are located at the summit of the EMMI Zone. Blow through them, but come to a halt just before the escape door. Drop through several Beam Blocks and retrieve the Missile Tanked lying under the pathway by shooting down.

Missile Tank #15 [+2] | Morph Ball, Speed Booster are required.

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Another Speed Booster puzzle may be found in the big chamber in the EMMI Zone’s center, and it features one of the most ingenious solutions. There are Beam Blocks high up on the wall, but you’ll want to start in the long corridor across the gap – there’s one on the far right side as well. Run approach the block and charge up, then store it, blast out the block, and tuck your Morph Ball into the tiny space when you’re ready to Shinespark. From here, go straight to the left, through the door, across the large room, and around the curve to the Missile Tank through the Beam Blocks.

Missile Tank #16 [+2] | Grapple Beam is required.

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This one may be found in the EMMI Zone as well. Head to the middle where you fell through the spinning plank once you get the Grapple Beam. You may use the Grapple Beam to return it to its original position, then proceed to the Missile Expansion.

Charge Beam, Morph Ball, Bombs, and Super Missile are required for Missile Tank #17 [+2].

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Head to the volcanic area in Artaria’s northwest corner after you gain the Super Missile ability. To open the entrance under the cut-off lava chamber, use it in combination with the Charge Beam. Inside, leap up and Bomb through several blocks with your Morph Ball, then grab the Missile Tank above.

Missile Tank #18 [+2] | Requirements: Gravity Suit, Morph Ball

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This is in the major part of the same volcanic area. You may safely roll down the lava tunnel and get the Expansion after you have the Gravity Suit.

Requirements: Missile Tank #19 [+2] Missile Tank #19 [+2] Missile Tank #19 [+2] Missile Tank #19 None

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You’ll find yourself in a frozen part of the territory after obtaining the Gravity Suit and taking the elevator from Burenia to Artaria. This Missile Tank just rests on a ledge beyond the spinning plank; if you fall through, simply Space Jump back up.

Missile Tank #20 [+2] | Space Jump is required.

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Continue through the freezing zone until you reach a lengthy tunnel that leads to a Red Chozo Soldier mini-boss chamber. Take the left door after the battle and Space Jump all the way to the top of the tall chamber to locate this Missile Tank on a platform.

Missile Tank #21 [+10] | Morph Ball, Speed Booster are required.

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Now exit the Red Chozo Soldier chamber through the right-hand door. A collection of Speed Booster Blocks may be found on the ledge. To break through, run up the sloped section of the cave and prepare a Shinespark, then jump up to the ledge and unleash it. You’ll need to Shinespark in Morph Ball form to cross the one, low block in the end. After that, you may take the Missile+ Tank that’s perched on the ledge.

Missile Tank #22 [+2] | Morph Ball, Speed Booster are required.

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Another Speed Booster puzzle may be found in the same cave system. Run down the slope cave to the right this time. While in Morph Ball shape below the ledge near the exit door, you want to Shinespark to the right. This will launch you into a tunnel leading to the Missile Tank. Alternatively, you may use a Power Bomb to approach from the other end of the tunnel, as seen in the image above.

Missile Tank #23 [+2] | Diffusion Beam, Bombs are required.

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Return to the southwestern part of the map after defeating Experiment Z-57 and thawing out Artaria. The ice should have thawed by now, so dive in and search for any Bomb Blocks to blast through. To open up a tiny tunnel, use your Diffusion Beam on the fractured rock and explosive sac immediately beyond. The Expansion may be obtained by doing so.

Morph Ball, Bombs, Flash Shift, Grapple Beam, Speed Booster, Varia Suit | Energy Part #2 | Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs, Flash Shift, Grapple Beam, Speed Booster, Varia Suit

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A Speed Booster puzzle may be found in the map’s northwest corner. You can safely travel through the heat there after you have the Varia Suit. To get to the puzzle section, use Morph Ball Bombs to get past a pressure plate that you can only pass with the Flash Shift. Begin on the plate’s left side, up against the ledge. Turn right and use your Speed Booster straight away; don’t bother about shutting the pressure plate door; it will be open by the time you need to return. You can store a Shinespark just as you reach the right-side wall if you time it correctly. Return to the pressure plate and rocket up into the Speed Booster Blocks to reclaim the Energy Tank they were protecting.

Screw Attack | Missile Tank #24 [+2] | Requirements:

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Once you have the Screw Attack, this one is simple to get. Three columns stand next to the Burenia elevator. Shoot the first, then Screw Attack your way through the other two to claim Artaria’s last Missile Tank.

Part 3: Energy | Requirements: None

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Although there are no prerequisites for obtaining this Energy Part, you must wait until you return to Artaria via the Burenia elevator. Continue through the now-frozen zone until you reach a mini-boss chamber at the end of a lengthy tunnel. Remove the Red Chozo Soldier from the scene and leave via the right-hand door. The Part is simply waiting for you to pick it up on a ledge in the next cave.

Metroid Dread Artaria is a game that can be completed 100%. This guide will show you the locations of every item in the game. Reference: metroid dread artaria 100 percent.

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