Ark is a new entry into the world of open-world survival games, where players need to explore an expansive map in search of resources and survive. The game has been under development for more than 2 years with over 100 developers working on it at any given time. Due to recent changes made within Ark’s programming, there are dinos spawning at low levels that have no way to get around without dying or loading back up again.

In Ark, dinos spawn at low levels and are difficult to kill. This is because the developers have made it so that leveling up in single player is a lot harder than playing with friends. The easiest way to get higher level dinos is by joining a friend’s game or hosting your own private server. Read more in detail here: how to get higher level dinos in ark single player.

Why Are Dinos Spawning at Low Levels in Ark? –

Dino issues and the Ark are a combination made in heaven. Dinos spawning in your base and randomly trapped tames are just a few of the wonders you’ll encounter. All of it, however, pales in comparison to the aggravation experienced when encountering low-level dinos in unexpected places. 

This may be altered throughout the world-building process. The procedure, on the other hand, might be highly inconvenient. Ark provides a slew of bug fixes and feature enhancements with each new release. This timetable is frenetic and difficult to follow, yet some big misunderstandings are buried before they can be addressed.

Dinos are supposed to spawn at various stages throughout the game. Lower-leveled ones outweigh higher-leveled ones. This mechanism is also influenced by the surrounding environment. To gain additional dinos, you may utilize modifications or adjust your server settings.

The number of higher tiered dinos will be higher on maps like Ragnarok and The Center. There are a few techniques you may attempt if you wish to grow the higher-level population.

How to Make Average Dino Levels Higher


There are many ways to boost the Dino population in your Ark environment artificially. If there is a true game-related issue, performing a large-area purge should solve the problem. The following procedures, on the other hand, will serve for individuals who only wish to artificially enhance their world’s average dino levels.

How to Prevent Dinosaurs from Breeding in Your Ark Base

Mods are available for download.


There are a handful of Mods you may use to increase the dino levels. These, on the other hand, have been shown to be the most effective:

Dino Levels That You Create

This patch enables you to adjust the levels of both vanilla and customized dinos. The dinosaurs are heavily biased toward the lowest end of the spectrum. As a result, this patch may aid by changing the distribution of dino levels. 

Modifications from the past

These are the toned-down versions that essentially let you alter your dino levels albeit with lower control over the process. It is recommended that you try the Dino Levels That You Create mod mentioned above instead. With that said, here are the Modifications from the past for Ark Dino Levels:

Official Difficulty Level


If you don’t want to use modifications in your game, changing the planet difficulty may be the best option. Here’s what you should do:

  • Go to the Server Settings page.
  • Add the following to the Gameusersettings file: 
    • [ServerSettings]
    • DifficultyOffset=1.000000
    • OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0
  • Wait for the dinosaurs to respawn after wiping them out. To get rid of them faster, use the following code:

destroywilddinos admincheat

Overall, the game is designed to have various average dino levels in various sections of the map. Anomalies do occur, and there are techniques to correct them. Modding is the greatest approach if you want to artificially boost the average levels. 

Wiping out all the dinosaurs, on the other hand, may be a viable option. Make adjustments to your server settings if it doesn’t work. After you’ve completed all of the steps, you should be able to quickly identify the cream of the crop. 

The “how to get higher level dinos in ark xbox one” is a question that has been asked by many. The answer to this question is that the game spawns low-level dinos because of its difficulty settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix low level Dinos in Ark?

A: In order to build a creature in Ark, you need to feed it food which will make the creature grow. This is a way that players can increase their creatures level so they can survive against other hostile creatures.

Why cant I find any high level Dinos in Ark?

A: The current game engine for Ark is built around building a map of the world and not an open sandbox, so there are certain limitations to what kind of dinos can exist. That being said, you can still build your own custom dinosaur tribes that live in caves or anywhere else across the world on PC with mods.

How do I increase dinosaur spawn in Ark?

A: You need to use a cheat engine mod with the plugin Dino Spawner. Additionally, you will have to build up your Ark character levels.

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